8 Week Program: Mindfulness & Your Health

  • What To Expect From The 8 Week Program

    Self Awareness

    The initial three weeks of the program focus on developing our capacity for self awareness.  This is done by cultivating our capacity for mindfulness, which means paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgement.  Focus is on physical sensations and other senses and beginning to realize the deep innate wisdom of the body which is always informing us of our current moment experience.  Participants begin to see the connections between sensations in the body, thoughts and emotions.  

    Self Regulation

    Self regulation pertains to the development of the capacity to be present enough to perhaps do something different in our moments of reactivity and habitual patterning( ie being proactive instead of reactive).  Once again, this is developed by continual refocussing on the present moment experience, and recognizing that we don't have to follow our thoughts, and that choice exists in every moment. 

    Stress physiology

    In week four and five of the program, we do an in depth exploration of stress physiology and how it relates to our own experience.  Participants will learn to recognize their own patterns of reacting to stress and how these become linked to our health, especially if stressors are chronic and habitual.

    Mindful Communication

    In week 6 the focus is on applying the skills learned thus far to interpersonal communication (between self and others).  Week 6 is followed by the day of silent retreat, which allows participants to focus on intrapersonal dialogue (self talk) within the container or silence that the retreat provides. Attendance at the day of retreat is optional, but strongly encouraged.  (If you are unable to attend the day of silent retreat that happens during your program, you can attend a silent retreat at a later date)

    Application to Life

    In the last 2 weeks of the program, the focus is on integration of the skills learned, and to be able to apply them to one's own life and relationships.  Focus is on flexibility, patience, and continued fostering of daily practice and connection within the community.

    ***Please note that daily home practice is part of this program, and may take up to one hour daily. There are no guaranteed results, as this is dependent on participant commitment. The curriculum is the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979- now an internationally acclaimed and recognized program which is evidence based and science backed.***

  • Beginners Mind
    & Patience

  • Fee Structure


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    Eight Week Program- 425$

    E-TRANSFER is preferred, and can be sent to mindfulnessandyourhealth@gmail.com

    Make cheques payable to Dr. Shiona McIntosh Professional Corporation

    Program includes:


    Orientation Session

    20 hours of classroom instruction

    Program Workbook

    Access to Audiofiles or CDs

    Attendance at Silent Retreat



    Silent Retreat Day (Repeat Attendees)- 45$


    Monthly Mindfulness R and R program (90 minutes)

    15$ or pay what you can


    Receipts will be provided


    *****Prices are subject to change, and will be reviewed annually*****

  • Letting Go
    & Trust

  • F.A.Q.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When are the classes offered?

    Mindfulness and your Health is usually offered twice per year - spring and fall

    This is an evening program and classes are typically 2.5 hours in length.

    Safety measures based on public health protocols are routinely adhered to for your safety.


    There is a monthly R and R program offered throughout the year for graduates of the 8 week program.

    How do I sign up?

    To sign up for Mindfulness and your Health you can email Dr. McIntosh at mindfulnessandyourhealth@gmail.com You will be contacted with next available program dates and times.  There is an Orientation class prior to each 8 week program during which personal medical information will be collected, and the opportunity given to ask questions about the program.  Dr. McIntosh may want to schedule an individual meeting with you to review suitability for the 8 week program.


    Do you offer private classes?

    During the 8 week program, you can schedule a private consultation with Dr. McIntosh.  Consultation fee is 50$/hour
    To book a follow up appointment with Dr. McIntosh, email at mindfulnessandyourhealth@gmail.com

    Is there an age limit for the classes?

    The eight week Mindfulness and your Health program is intended for those 18 and over.




    Who can benefit from mindfulness training?

    People with the following conditions can benefit from mindfulness training:
    -chronic pain
    -irritable bowel disease
    This list is not exhaustive.  You do not have to have a medical condition to benefit from the training!  If you are simply looking for a way to reduce the negative effects of stress in your life, mindfulness can help.

    What should I wear to class?

    You should wear loose comfy clothing.  There is a period of mindful movement in most classes.  

    Modifications can be offered.

  • Non Striving
    & Self Compassion

  • Testimonials

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    Sgt. Liane Vail- police officer

    "The program is paramount in helping with anyone's stress be it physical or psychological. The value it had for me was to bring me back to the present moment and realizing there is a place where one can be quiet and calm even with everything that is going on around you. The program gave me insight with how I would avoid being present and focus too much on the past and future. I continue to use the tools which help with my day to day living. A true blessing."


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    Dr. Monika Stelzl, PhD
    Associate Professor STU

    "My life has been busy, and continues to be busy.  One motive for taking the mindfulness program was to alleviate persistent fatigue and feelings of being non-centered.  Through Dr. McIntosh’s patient and unconditional teaching, I have been learning to embrace my life as a process where in fact I have the choice to slow down, take a breath, and notice the moments.  This is not an easy nor immediate achievement, but definitely one worthy of exploring.  I wholeheartedly recommend this program to people who are willing to give mindfulness a chance. "
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    Lyne Caissie- Economic Development Officer, Federal Government

    "The mindfulness program has been valuable in helping me manage my chronic pain. Techniques taught in the program such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga have helped me manage and at times reduce my pain. The mindfulness aspects of non-judging and positive attitude have surprisingly improved my already positive relationships. This program has contributed to my well-being and happiness. "


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    Derek Lacombe
    We are often mind full instead of mindful. Approaching the end of a chaotic year filled with life-changing events, I was becoming increasing aware that change was imperative for me to cope better with stress and with conflict. It’s through the 8 week program that I explored the benefits of meditation and embraced the mindset of “beginner's mind”. The tools acquired throughout the program have increased my confidence when dealing with difficult situations; I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about themselves.
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    Donald Rowan
    "...I learned that we can lose ourselves dwelling in the past or worrying about our future.  The core of the program is the cultivation of paying attention to the present moment- not because the past is not important, nor because the future is not worth thinking about, but because we can only experience our lives in the present moment.  This is not a trivial observation.  I have often observed that the faster you go, the more you miss.  I am glad I slowed down for Dr. McIntosh's program.  She is a kind and thoughtful teacher.  She would say she is just as much a student as any of us.  Take this program as a gift to yourself."
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    Patti Simmons
    Perhaps the best advice Shiona gave was 'just do it.' The thing is, mindfulness practices are not exhilarating; finding 40 minutes each day to meditate can be difficult not only because life is busy, busy, busy with endless demands and too little time, but also because a full body scan initially feels like an eternity, especially for fidgety bodies and wandering minds. Don’t expect to feel relaxed or comfortable or happier. Take the course, do the practices, and be attentive to the subtle changes in your way of being in the world. Your life will still be there in all its complexity, but you may experience the transformative potential of mindfulness in shifting your relationship to the complexity, developing your capacity to endure uncertainty or suffering, and creating a space in which to pause, reflect, and choose how to respond. Shiona will help you find the tools to manage yourself—body, mind, and spirit—with compassion and attentiveness. The course is worth doing. Just do it. 
  • “The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.”
    ― Pema Chödrön

  • Dr. Shiona McIntosh, MD


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    Shiona is a native New Brunswicker. She graduated with her BSc in Biology from Mt. Allison University in 1987. She completed her MD at Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1991. Residency in Family Medicine was at University of Ottawa, graduating in 1993.

    Shiona lived and worked in Halifax for several years, before moving to Fredericton in 2003.

    Training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction was initially undertaken through the Centre for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts. In 2019, Shiona completed her supervision and final certification in MBSR from East Coast Mindfulness. Shiona has been teaching Mindfulness classes since 2009 at a variety of locations in the community.

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    About me

    Shiona is a recently retired family doctor with a passion for holistic wellness. She blends her knowledge base of human illness and disease from her medical training, with certification in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and a more recent attainment of Reiki Master Teacher. Shiona has always wanted to "help people", and views her work now as simply a different way of healing- one that can be truly transformative. Shiona tries to weave her work into her day to day life, and most people who know her are drawn in by her grounding presence and interest in people. She loves the outdoors and spending time in her kayak, hiking, cycling and cross country skiing. Family comes first, and her husband and children are the true joy of her life, as well as her precious kitties and chocolate lab, Tess.

  • To be placed on the waiting list for the next available Mindfulness program, please submit the form below- thank you!